technische universität münchen computer science > net > pahl
> teaching
Internet of Things Smart Space Research Team (IoT-s2o)

Teaching Timeline

I am constantly teaching since 2003. See Fig. 1 for an overview.

I am experienced in the teaching formats lecture, lab course, seminar, student projects such as master/ bachelor/ diploma thesis, and student assistant advisory.

In addition, I regularly develop and experiment with new teaching methods. I invented a lab course format (2003), a conference-like seminar format (2013), and a flipped classroom teaching concept (2014).

Fig. 1: My Teaching Activities [.pdf].


  • Technische Universität München Teaching Award 2013


Teaching is important and working with students a lot of fun for me. Over more than ten years I am holding various course formats at German Universities from lectures over practical exercises to the seminars.

In 2013, I was awarded with the faculty teaching award of the Computer Science department of Technische Universität München for my iLab teaching concept.

Since 2003, I designed and held various courses at Technische Universität München and Universität Tübingen, including:

  • I created the most attended regular practical exercise at the University of Tübingen as well as of the Technische Universität München (more than 1800(!) participants until the end of 2016).
    In 2013 the iLab-concept was awarded with the Ernst Otto Fischer-Lehrpreis (teaching price) of Technische Universität München!
    • I designed two practical hands-on courses that are continuously running at multiple German Universities.
    • I invented a didactical concept for practical hands-on courses that is tailored around an exciting self-learning experience for students.
  • I designed a two semester lecture introduction to computer science lecture that I held in 2003/ 2004 at University of Tübingen.
  • I created and introduced a new concept for seminars that is organized like a scientific conference at Technische Universität München in 2013.
  • I created and established a semi-automated workflow for recording student talks and providing the result to the students within hours. This is a uniquely strong feedback element for improving one's presentation skills. The system is continuously used since 2011.
  • I created and established a research seminar for students that enables them to apply agile methods when organizing themselves. The monthly student research seminar has the focus on fostering the exchange between students and making them reflect on their achieved results and upcoming challenges regularly.
  • I created and established a research seminar for doctoral students and postdocs in my research domain. The smart space research seminar takes place roughly every three months. It has the goal to foster the research exchange between young and experienced researchers. Besides discussing about each other's research, the seminar has a paper reading club as fixed element.
  • I created several final exams for lectures.
  • I supervised more than 80 students until the end of 2016.

Teaching Activities

I started teaching as a student tutor in 2001. Since 2003 I am continuously giving lectures. Following my teaching activities are listed.

s=summer term, w=winter term

Lab Courses

The lab courses consist of a weekly lecture, individual theoretical preparation, a practical exercise day in a team of two students, two oral exams, and the correction of the exercises.

  • Bachelor course "Rechnernetze und Verteilte Systeme" (lecturer/ teaching assistant): 2009s, 2008s
    • At the chair for Network Architectures and Services (Prof. Georg Carle/ TU München)
    • Bi-weekly lecture
    • Design of the exercise to the course.
    • Design of the exam and the repetition exam.
    • Organization of the exercise.
    • Tutoring two student groups.
  • Revision-lecture "Informatik 2": 2004s
    • At the chair of Symbolisches Rechnen (symbolic computations) (Prof. Wolfgang Küchlin/ Universität Tübingen)
    • Bi-weekly lecture
    • Design of the entire lecture.
  • Revision-lecture "Informatik 1": 2003w
    • At the chair of Symbolisches Rechnen (symbolic computations) (Prof. Wolfgang Küchlin/ Universität Tübingen)
    • Bi-weekly lecture
    • Design of the entire lecture.
  • Design and implementation of a new concept for student seminars at Universities at the chair for Network Architectures and Services (Prof. Georg Carle/ TU München): 2013s
  • (Co-)organization of student seminars on Master and Bachelor level: 2013s, 2012s, 2011s, 2010w, 2010s, 2009w, 2009s, 2008w
  • Supervised students and topics:
    1. Leonhard Rabel, Secure Multi-Party Computation (2012s, IITM)
    2. Thomas Behrens, App stores/ Markets (2012s, IITM)
    3. Ermal Guni, Latency analysis of BACnet (2011s, IITM)
    4. Denys Artmann, User Interfaces for Smart Ambiences: A State of the Art Analysis (2010w, IITM)
    5. Xiao Chen, Google Big Table (2010s, IITM)
    6. Julian Sommerfeld, Netzwerkmanagement mit NETCONF und YANG (2009w, FI)
    7. Rene Brogatzki, SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol (2009s, IITM)
    8. Sebastian Klepper, Benutzerschnittstellen zur Managementschicht des Gesamtsystems (2008w, IITM)
    9. Philipp Dirding, Geeignete Repräsentation von Wissen & Regeln in einem vernetzten System (2008w, IITM)
    10. Andreas Maier, Mechanismen zur automatischen Konfiguration von Netzwerkkomponenten und Services (2008w, IITM)
    IITM=Innovative Internet Technologies and Mobile Communication
    FI=Future Internet
    ACN=Autonomous Communication Networks
Supervised Diploma, Master, and Bachelor Students

I guided many students to their Diploma, Master, and Bachelor thesis. It was a great pleasure to work and exchange with each of them.

You can find a list of my supervised students here.

Other teaching activities
  • Consulting for the eLearning DVD "Netzwerktechnik" together with the Medienabteilung (media section) (Prof. Norbert Hofmann): 2005w
  • Giving training courses at different trade schools across southern Germany (Prof. Norbert Hofmann): 2005w
  • Teaching assistant at the chair of Medienwissenschaft (media science) (Prof. Manfred Muckenhaupt): 2002s
  • Tutorial at the chair of Theoretische Intormatik/ Formale Sprachen (theoretical computer science/ formal languages) (Prof. Klaus-Jörn Lange): 2001w
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